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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Chess has always had a place at Upper Room Christian School. Several years ago we even had a formal club that competed throughout Long Island through the United States Chess Federation and all of our players played timed games by the USCF rulebook.

We've played at St. Joseph's, Adelphi and Hoefstra Universities. But it seems that the place we like to play the most is in the lunchroom. During any lunch period you can see boards set up and students playing as they eat their lunch.

Chess is an excellent game as well as an excellent teaching tool. It requires critical thinking and concentration. There is no luck involved at all. Students learn the all important skill of asking "what if" throughout the game. They see cause and effect. They concentrate deeply and are not taught to make a good move but taught to make the best move. That's why it's called, "The Game of Kings".

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