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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The stop sign I'm holding was blown down by the biggest storm to hit Long Island in my lifetime. Hurricane Sandy made landfall Monday, October 29th at 6pm. As a result of this super storm our school was forced to close for a week! This is the first time in our 31 years that we were ever out of school for a weather related issue for more than 3 days.

While many of the local school districts (28) chose to remain closed yesterday due to extensive power outages, downed trees and power lines we were able to resume classes! We had 126 students attend (driven into school by their parents) and only two teachers were unable to get into work.

The forecasters are predicting a Nor'easter for tonight, into tomorrow and possibly continue through Thursday. We are in a wait and see mode to asses the effect this new storm will have on our Island and our ability to open for school. We continue to pray for all of the people affected by Sandy!

Pastor Ed

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