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Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day

No picture today! I couldn't find a suitable one. When I was a kid growing up in Bensonhurst Brooklyn the Italians decided to change the name of Columbus Day to Italian American Unity Day. They just decided to glom (my take without asking) a holiday and call it theirs! Don't get me wrong....I'm an Italian American with grandparents from Italy but taking a holiday, changing it's name and then calling it yours.....Really!

However, this day reminds me of all of the immigrants that came the US looking for a better life for themselves and their families. My grandparents came through Ellis Island and settled in Brooklyn. They brought some of Italy over with them with their language, food and customs. I enjoy the culture to this day and like going into the Salumeria's (Italian Deli) and speaking the few words of Italian I know to the counter men.

Upper Room Christian School is fortunate to host almost 20 students from around the world! They come from China, Korea, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic Spain and others! They apply for an I20 Educational Visa, find a host home and study at our school from September till June. It is a great experience for them as well as for the school and host homes! Diversity is what makes America great, diversity is why I love New York so much diversity is a small snapshot of Heaven! E Pluribus Unim. Out of the many, one. The vision of God the Father, His Son Jesus, our American forefathers and Upper Room Christian School is that we would be one in Christ.....unity with diversity!
Happy Columbus Day!

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