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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our New Web Site Is LIVE!!!!!!

Our web site went live today! After 5 months of planning, editing and re-editing our site is finally up and running! While there is still about 2 solid weeks of work yet to be done, the basic layout and information areas are done. The address is . The site is designed to be informative. It features our vision/mission statement, our history, the school calendar, our enrollment policies and procedures and even an animated virtual tour! There are links to this blog, our parent church Upper Room Christian World Center, our ACN fundraiser as well as other useful links pertaining to Christian Education.

Our next major project is to get Grade Quick and Edline up and running and linked to this blog and the school's web page. That will complete the school's intranet as well as give our parents and student body immediate access to students current grades, projects and assignments. We hope to have this done by April 2009.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Middle School Boys Basketball Schedule

Monday 5th L HighLand 4;00pm
Tuesday 13th Long Island Lutheran 4:00 pm
Tuesday 20th OSNA 5:00 pm
Wednesday 21st L.W.A 4:00 pm
Monday 26th L HighLand 4:00 pm

Tuesday 3rd Long Island Lutheran 4:00 pm
Monday 9th OSNA 4:00 pm

Head Coach Kevin Jackson
Asst. Coaches J. Thomas
Bold print Home games

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Below is a poem written by one of our 3rd graders:

Dear Jesus,

You are nice
just like spice.
I want you to know
how I love you so.
You are my friend and nothing can tear us apart.
I know that you made my heart.
I celebrate your birthday and so do others,
even our fathers and our mothers.
I love you for who you are,
and so do people from afar.
Thank you for giving me friends,
and your kingdom will never end.
You gave us a wonderful teacher,
and Mr. Dono a great preacher.
I know I'll be with you some day,
but soon will my aunt May.
I know your birthday is soon,
but mine's in June!
Happy Birthday!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Junior Varsity Basketball Schedule

Monday 17th Valley Stream Christian 4:00pm (h)
Wednesday 19th Portledge 4:00 pm
Monday 24th Solomon Schecter 4:30 pm(h)
Tuesday 25th Mill Neck Manor 4:00 pm(h)

Monday 1st Kew Forest 4:00pm
Wednesday 3rd Lexington 4:30 pm(h)
Tuesday 9th Knox’s 4:00 pm(h)
Wednesday 10th Portledge 4:00 pm(h)
Monday 15th L.W.A. 4:00 pm(h)
Wednesday 17th Lake Grove 4:00 pm(h)
Friday 19th Lexington 4;00 pm

Tuesday 6th Lake Grove 4:00 pm
Friday 9th Knox’s 4:00 pm
Monday 12th Kew Forest 4:00 pm(h)
Tuesday 13th L.W.A. 4:00 pm
Thursday 15th Lu-Hi 5:00 pm
Friday 16th OSNA 4:00 pm
Friday 23rd Evangel 5:30 pm(h)
Wednesday 28th Solomon Schecter 4:00 pm

Monday 2nd OSNA 4:00 pm(h)
Thursday 5th Mill Neck Manor 4:00 pm(h)
Tuesday 24th Playoffs @highest seed TBA
Thursday 26th Championship @ Portledge TBA

Head Coach M. Anderson
Asst. Coach J. Thomas
Bold Games Home

Monday, December 8, 2008

Girl's Varsity Basketball Schedule 2008-2009

Tuesday 18th Kew Forest 4:00 pm (H)
Monday 24th Solomon Schecter 5:45 pm (H)

Thursday 4th Lexington Counts Twice 4:00 pm(H)

Friday 5th L.W.A. 4:00 pm
Thursday - Sat 11-13th NCSAA Shoot Out Erie PA TBA
Monday 15th Mill Neck Manor Counts Twice 4:00 pm
Tuesday 16th Portledge 4:00 pm (H)

Thursday 8th OSNA 4:00 pm (H)
Monday 12th Portledge 4:00 pm
Thursday 15th L.W.A. 4:00 pm (H)
Wednesday 21st Waldorf 4:30 pm (H)
Friday 23rd Evangel 4:00 pm (H)
Tuesday 27th OSNA 4:00 pm
Wednesday 28th Solomon Schecter 5:15 pm

Wednesday 4th Waldorf 4:00 pm
Tuesday 10th Playoffs @ Highest Seed TBA
Thursday 12th Championship game URCS

Head Coach M. Anderson
Asst. Coaches S. Holder
Bold print Home games Revised 11/24/08

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mrs. Moore's English Trip

Many of my English students attended a theatrical production with me in November. We had a great time on the trip. The show was a lot of fun to watch and the kids were a lot of fun to be around!

The show was at the Patchogue Theater in Patchogue. The Chamber Commerce Theater Company was the performing company and some of the skits they presented were the following: The Most Dangerous Game, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Lady and the Tiger, and a few other classical short stories.

We truly had a great time and not to brag or anything but Upper Room Christian School's students were the best behaved, most well-mannered students there (by far). They are the best!

Mrs. Moore

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Middle School

The month of December is a cheerful month filled with joy, love and the spirit of giving. Our middle school is embracing this spirit with several planned charitable activities. They are writing letters to the soldiers in Iraq , creating cards for the Downey Side Families for Youth Orphanage and collecting supplies for homeless emergency kits.

Also, our entire middle school will be participating in a gingerbread contest on December 19th. The gingerbread houses will be made by the students completely from "scratch". Prizes will be awarded to the best constructed houses. The children will also be exchanging their "Secret Blesser" gifts on Dec. 19th our last day of school for the 2008 school year. As you can see the spirit of Christmas is alive and well here at Upper Room Christian School as we continue growing up in Christ spirit, soul and body.

The URCS Middle School Team
Ms. Holmes
Mr. Jackson
Mrs. Rotziokos
Mrs. Santana

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Royals Boys Varsity Basketball Schedule 2008-2009

Thursday- Saturday 11th -13th @ NCSAA Shoot Out Erie PA
Monday- Tuesday 29th – 30th @ K.C.A. Classic Callaway MD

Tuesday 6th @ OSNA 6:00 pm
Saturday 10th @ Adelphi Academy Brooklyn 2:00 pm
Thursday 15th @ Long Island Lutheran 6:45 pm
Saturday 17th Homecoming Dwight School 2:00 pm(H)
Saturday 24th Living Faith Christian Academy 12:00pm(H)
Saturday 31st The Master School 5:00 pm(H)

Saturday 7th Adelphi Academy Brooklyn 2:00 pm(H)
Wednesday 11th @ OSNA TBA
Monday 16th St. Benedict’s Prep 5:30 pm(H)
Wednesday 18th @ Living Faith Christian Academy 3:30pm
Friday 20th Evangel Senior Day 4:00 pm(H)
Thursday- Sunday 26th-29 @ Collegiate Tournament T.B.A

Tuesday-Saturday 3rd-7th @ NACA National in Dayton Tenn.

Head Coach Shelley Spruill
Asst. Coaches M. Anderson K. Jackson J. Thomas
For more information call 631- 242-5359 ext 220