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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Enrollment for Preschool-4th Grade

Dear Parents of Students Going into Grades Preschool - 4th:

Proper placement of children is vital to school success. What does proper placement mean? It means placing children in the grade level that they are developmentally ready for - socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually, according to their developmental age - which may not be the same as their chronological age! This is proper placement.

One of the tools that we use at Upper Room Christian School to determine proper grade placement for children entering our lower primary grades (Pre-school through 4th grade) is the Gesell School Readiness Assessment. This assessment reveals where children are in their process of development, as outlined in the above-mentioned areas. "Norms" or developmental ages have been established, which help in placing children where they will be able to properly handle the demands of school, and have a positive, fruitful experience.

Since development depends largely upon physical maturation, there is nothing we can do to alter it; no amount of prodding or instruction will change it. All individuals have their own individual rate and pattern of growth, according to the unique way the Lord has created them. For example, it is a well known fact that not all children are ready to walk, talk or read at the same time chronological age.

School placement based on chronological birth date makes the assumption that all children do, in fact, develop at the same rate. We at Upper Room Christian School know that this is not the case. God has created us each individually; therefore, we are committed to properly placing children according to His pattern for their lives; not based on an arbitrary date on the calendar.

By carefully evaluating and correctly utilizing the results of the Gesell Assessment, along with other criteria, as well as the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are able to make both godly AND educationally sound recommendations concerning student placement to ensure their success, rather than inviting failure and frustration by placing young students improperly.

We look forward to meeting with you, and answering more fully any questions you may have concerning our developmental philosophy of education, and the powerful impact it will have on your own child. Upper Room Christian School is committed to working hand in hand with parents and covenanting with God to help your children realize their fullest potential in Christ: spirit, soul and body!
In Christ's Service,
Pastor Gregory P. Eck

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