Our web site went live today! After 5 months of planning, editing and re-editing our site is finally up and running! While there is still about 2 solid weeks of work yet to be done, the basic layout and information areas are done. The address is http://www.urcs.org/ . The site is designed to be informative. It features our vision/mission statement, our history, the school calendar, our enrollment policies and procedures and even an animated virtual tour! There are links to this blog, our parent church Upper Room Christian World Center, our ACN fundraiser as well as other useful links pertaining to Christian Education.
Our next major project is to get Grade Quick and Edline up and running and linked to this blog and the school's web page. That will complete the school's intranet as well as give our parents and student body immediate access to students current grades, projects and assignments. We hope to have this done by April 2009.