The first month of school behind us and it seems to have past so quickly! The school is healthy and doing great. The moral of the students and staff is at an all time high as we all press to be the best we can be by the grace of Almighty God!
All of our new students have settled in, made friends and are enjoying their "new school". Our "seasoned" students have received and accepted their new classmates and once again the halls and classrooms of Upper Room are filled with the feeling of "family".
Our chapel services have been awesome! Last week senior Josh Nunziante preached and expounded on the need for us as Christians to infiltrate this world system for Christ and regain all that was lost through the fall of man. He exhorted us to "be who we are" and not to be conformed to this world but be transformed through the power of the application of God's word by faith. This was followed by individual prayer and a further exhortation by a fourth grader to give our all to Christ.
We are looking forward to the best year ever at our school as we pray God's kingdom come on earth even as it is in heaven! Amen.
Grace and Peace,